May 23, 2024

Marie Kondo's 6 rules to tidying up

Want to take your organisation skills to the next level?

Marie Kondo can help.

The secret to improving your organisation skills is deciding what sparks joy.

And letting go of the rest.

Marie Kondo is a Japanese organistion guru, who rocketed to fame with her Netflix show.

Here are her 6 rules to tidying up:

1. Be committed

Without the right mindset, you’ll likely very soon return back to your clutter-filled lifestyle.

2. Tidy by category (not location)

For example - Instead of saying: “I’m going to tidy the bedroom today”, say “I’m going to tidy my clothes today”.

3. Follow the order from least to most sentimental

Start with items that are generally easier to let go of:

→ Clothes
→ Books
→ Papers
→ Miscellaneous items
→ Sentimental items

(Marie saves sentimental items for last, as our emotional connection to them makes them harder to discard)

4. Finish discarding before organising what's left

Before deciding on permanent ‘homes’ for your items, or purchasing any storage, Marie instructs to first focus on getting rid of as much stuff as possible from each category.

5. Only keep belongings that bring you joy

No matter which category you’re dealing with, Marie’s #1 rule for figuring out whether it stays or goes is whether or not it “sparks joy.”

6. Unlocking your transformation

Finally, the magic happens when you begin surrounding yourself solely with your cherished items.

"The space you live in hugely impacts your mind".

By parting with things that no longer serve you, you'll find freedom from clutter both physically and mentally.

With clients reporting newfound clarity, stronger relationships, and achieving long-held dreams.

Does Marie Kondo’s method resonate with you?

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